YouTube will now use HTML5 video by default on recent Chrome versions

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By default, YouTube has activated its HTML5 video player for visitors who visit the video site with a recent Chrome version. Also, these visitors can no longer activate the Flash player option.

Google has been experimenting on YouTube for some time with a video player based on HTML5 technology. This has the advantage that the Flash plugin is no longer required. Chrome, like some other browsers, has supported HTML5 video for some time and until recently, Chrome users could indicate their preference for this video player on a settings page.

With the default activation of HTML5 video for YouTube visitors with a recent Chrome version, Google is taking an important step in phasing out Flash. It is also no longer possible for these visitors to select a Flash player. Visitors with a different browser still have this option; for example, a Firefox user still has to manually activate an HTML5 player. Incidentally, the HTML5 video player now offers the same functionality as the Flash version, including subtitles and encrypted video streams.

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