YouTube is testing QR codes for channels and AI summaries of live chats

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YouTube is testing two new features. It will become possible, among other things, to share YouTube channels via QR codes. Users can also have chat conversations from live streams summarized with AI.

A banner will be added at the top of live chats with a summary of recent conversations. It appears automatically when users open a new stream. This is why it has to be done according to YouTube be easier for new viewers to quickly understand what the chat is about. The video platform says that this feature is currently being tested among a 'small group' of users who watch English live streams with a 'super active' live chat.

YouTube continues to work on QR codes for channels. Creators can choose the Share Channel option under the You tab in the mobile app and then have a QR code generated. It will then be placed near the canal. Viewers can find that code on the creator's channel and share it with others. This feature is currently only available to a small number of creators. It's unclear when either feature will become generally available.

Android Central could already testing the AI ​​summaries

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