World of Warcraft has more than 10 million subscribers again

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World of Warcraft’s subscriber base has surpassed 10 million since the release of the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The number of subscribers in August was just under seven million paying subscribers.

According to Blizzard, the number of players has increased in all regions, with 3.3 million copies of the expansion sold in the first 24 hours that Warlords of Draenor was available. The number of subscribers was 7.4 million subscribers a month ago and 6.8 million subscribers in August. At its peak in early 2011, WoW had 12 million paid subscribers.

The introduction of Warlords of Draenor was not without problems. Players suffered from gameplay and server issues. This was probably partly due to the popularity of the game, but Blizzard also suffered from DDOs attacks. The subscription period of everyone who already had a WoW subscription on November 14 will therefore be extended by five days, Blizzard promises.

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