Windows 95 runs as an app on Windows 10, macOS and Linux

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A Slack developer has created a Windows 95 desktop application using the Electron framework. The old operating system from Microsoft can therefore be run on Windows 10, Linux and macOS.

Developer Felix Rieseberg has put the files of Windows95 V1.0 on GitHub. The executable files for Windows and macOS take up 128/129MB. Once installed, Windows 95 is almost completely usable in its original form, including Paint, Solitaire, and Minesweeper.

Rieseberg apologizes himself for his creation: “It’s a terrible idea that works shockingly well. I’m sorry.” Not everything works properly. The developer has not implemented any network functionality, which is better from a security point of view, and the app does not support optical drives by default.

Rieseberg works for Slack, but also contributes to the development of Electron, a framework for creating cross-platform applications with web techniques such as javascript, html and css.

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