Windows 10 October 2018 Update still causes problems with network drives

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The Windows 10 October 2018 Update is again being distributed to users, but it still contains certain issues. Microsoft informs that users who use network drives may not be able to access them. However, there are workarounds.

Microsoft has been distributing the latest major update to its OS since November 13, but only to users who download it through the Media Creation Tool and manually click check for updates. However, on the same day, the US company publishes a support page, discovered by The Register, where it explains that users may experience problems with network drives after this update and how to work around them. The manual solution consists of creating two script files and having them run every time a user logs in.

According to The Register, Microsoft was already aware of this problem with the update and has therefore deliberately left it behind, while distribution of the update has resumed. The problem should not be fixed until sometime in 2019, the site says.

The Windows 10 October 2018 Update, which lifts the OS to version 1809, showed a serious problem at the time of the first rollout. Users reported that the files in their personal Documents folder had disappeared. After that, the update was paused. At least this problem has now been resolved, according to Microsoft.

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