WikiLeaks publishes emails from CIA director

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WikiLeaks has published documents taken from the private mailbox of CIA Director John Brennan. Early this week, teens said they had access to his AOL account. The publication of the emails on WikiLeaks seems to confirm that.

The files WikiLeaks has put online contain the documents the teens claimed to have in their possession. These include the SF86 form, which Brennan had to fill out to gain access to classified information. Among the e-mails are recommendations to the US president on how to deal with Iran and a letter from the Senate Intelligence Committee, which allegedly offers tips on how to make interrogation methods legal.

John Brennan has been director of the CIA since March 2013, but was also an intelligence officer between 1980 and 2005. Between 2005 and 2008, he set up his own intelligence company: The Analysis Corp. The published documents also include a fax about a legal dispute between the CIA and TAC. WikiLeaks says it will release more documents from the CIA chief in the coming days.

All documents are from 2007 or 2008. According to the New York Times, no classified information would have come out through the AOL account. The teens were able to gain access to the mailbox by recovering the password. That was possible after they got hold of the last four digits of Brennan’s account number through social engineering. The CIA calls the account hacking a criminal act that affects Brennan’s family and should not be promoted but condemned.

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