Wii homebrew supports sdhc cards

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After Nintendo previously released a Wii update to prevent the installation of homebrew applications, hackers have undone the restrictions. In addition, the updated Homebrew Channel now supports SDHC cards.

The beta9 from The Homebrew Channel can be reinstalled on recently updated Wiis. The hackers use an unpatched bug for this. However, the developers advise Wii users not to install the most recent Wii update, as some homebrew applications would not run properly. Furthermore, on the Wiibrew website there is a tools appeared to patch the IOS51 operating system, so that without a Nintendo update, Wiiware that requires the latest firmware can still be used.

An advantage of the latest version of The Homebrew Channel is the support for SDHC cards. By the way, this mode only works in homebrew mode; older homebrew software needs to be updated. According to the hackers, the hardware can handle SD cards with a storage capacity of more than 2GB, but there is simply no SDHC support in the console’s original software. Nintendo may also be working quietly on sdhc support, among other things to solve the storage problem of the Wii, but the Japanese company has not released anything about this yet.

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