WhatsApp makes it possible to check forwarded messages online

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WhatsApp makes it possible to look up the text of forwarded messages via Google. Users should be able to quickly check whether the message comes from a reliable source. A test with that function is currently running.

The function should be available soon, WhatsApp parent company Facebook reported to Nu.nl. “The feature is currently being tested and we look forward to rolling out the feature in the near future,” a spokesperson told the news site.

The new feature is visible through the magnifying glass icon next to the message. When users press it, WhatsApp copies and pastes the text into a Google search box. This allows users to quickly see whether the text comes from a reliable source or not. Android Police noted the test.

The magnifying glass is one of the functions with which WhatsApp aims to combat the spread of disinformation through its platform. The chat app has been marking forwarded messages as such for some time. In addition, WhatsApp is working with the World Health Organization on ways for users to get reliable information about the new coronavirus. WhatsApp already called on last week not to just send information about the virus.

Screenshots: Android Police

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