WhatsApp is testing on-device sharing of WhatsApp Status to Facebook and other apps

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WhatsApp is testing for instant sharing of WhatsApp status updates to Facebook. Sharing with other apps is also possible. According to Facebook, the status sharing is on the device between the apps and there is no direct link with Facebook accounts.

The share option appears in the test under WhatsApp Status, the function for posting photo, video and messages as status for a day. Users can use this to directly post their status on Facebook, if they have an account in combination with the app. The status update can also be shared on Instagram, Gmail or Google Photos, The Verge reports.

Facebook stressed to the site that it does not link WhatsApp and Facebook accounts, but that it uses the iOS and Android APIs to share data between apps. This would limit sharing to the device.

Any possible link between Facebook’s services is under a magnifying glass as the social network is surrounded by privacy concerns. European privacy authorities reprimanded the company for sharing WhatsApp data with Facebook. Last year, the company also announced that Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp will have a universal underlying structure for exchanging messages. Facebook WhatsApp Status is the place where ads will be shown in the chat app from next year.

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