What should you do if you are hacked?

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We do not think every day that hackers can strike at any moment. Hacking also seems to become ‘easier’. Among young people, hacking might call it new gaming. Boys or girls who make it a sport to break into computers or systems. From their bedroom they can go on for hours and after some time they learn better hacking. The increasing interest in hacking and digitization increases the risks that you will be hacked once. We do not all know what needs to be done with a possible hack. That is why a Cyber ​​Collective publishes a ‘first aid for hack poster’.


This poster explains step by step what you need to do in case of hack emergency. The poster is free and clear, and clarity is paramount. Do not think that it is already too late if you are hacked, because the steps can also ensure that the damage does not get worse or prevent future repetition. If you have never been hacked, it is also a useful guide to prevent panic in the future. The poster can be requested free of charge by mail. There is also available step-by-step plan online.
The step-by-step plan has been drawn up by several stakeholders.

What should you do in case of a hack?

An important first step is to not turn off your device . If you do this, important information may be lost. A second step is to immediately disconnect from Wi-Fi. Not only the hacked device, but also the other devices. The third step is to consult the do-it-yourself tips per hack type.
To prevent repetition, you can contact the Cyberwacht. Furthermore, it is also important to report to the police. This way the perpetrator can be traced and there is proof for the insurer.


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