Watch out for the Fake Telegram app in the Google Play Store

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The Telegram messenger app has been gaining popularity lately. Partly because of everything that is going on at Facebook (and WhatsApp). But at Telegram, it is sometimes too careful.

A number of Zscaler TheatLabZ researchers have detected a fake Telegram app in the Google Play Store. The Android security team has been informed about this and the app has been removed. Yet there is a chance that there are users who have downloaded this app. Because it looked almost the same.

Difference at least

The screenshot below shows the fake app of Telegram (left) and the original Telegram app (right). The fake app was shown as Telegraph Chat and the Play Store description of the app was exactly the same as the original Telegram app. The only differences were that after the installation the term Telegram was changed to Telegraph Chat and that the icon was slightly modified.

Show once more how easy it is for cybercriminals to copy apps (with malicious intentions) and to publish them in the Google Play Store.
Zscaler has also published a blog with the complete technical analysis of the fake app.
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