Warframe creators announce free-to-play fantasy mmorpg Soulframe

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Warframe creator Digital Extremes announces a new mmorpg called Soulframe. According to the Canadian company, the game is “in an early stage of development” and has not yet been given a release date.

Soulframe is a completely new game that is not set in the Warframe universe. The game will be free-to-play, according to the developer, and will combine action with character building in an open persistent world. Fundamentally, Soulframe is very similar to Warframe and there are also similarities in terms of visual style.

The developer emphasizes instead, it is a completely new world inspired by themes of nature, restoration and discovery. The trailer also contains many fantasy elements. “We try to build the world of Soulframe and its thematic elements back to the fantasy stories that we fell in love with in our childhood. (…) Our team is interested in the concept of the clash of humans and nature and we want to combine that theme with ideas about restoration and exploration.”

Digital Extremes promises that the run-up to the release of Soulframe will be ‘recognizable to loyal fans’. For the time being, interested parties can click on the Soulframe website solve an interactive puzzle to sign up for news updates and the ability to reserve an in-game name.

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