Volkswagen wants to open platform for electric cars to competitors
Volkswagen is in talks with other automakers about opening up its platform to electric cars. Ford is said to be interested. Volkswagen also confirms that it wants to release an electric car for less than twenty thousand euros.
Michael Jost, chief strategist at Volkswagen, says in an interview with Der Tagesspiegel that talks about opening up the MEB platform are well advanced. Several competitors are said to be interested in the platform for electric cars, especially in the ‘volume segment’.
Rumor has it that Ford is interested. Earlier this month, Volkswagen already agreed a collaboration with the American manufacturer, initially for the development of pick-ups and vans, but later also for the development of self-driving and electric cars.
In the interview, Jost also says that Volkswagen will release a low-cost electric car after the first ID model comes out in 2020. In 2023 or at the latest in 2024, an electric variant with the dimensions of the Volkswagen T-Roc, for less than twenty thousand euros.
Volkswagen wants to invest heavily in electric cars in the coming years. In November last year, the group’s chief executive stated that the company will become the most profitable manufacturer of electric cars. That ruling coincided with an investment plan of 44 billion euros until 2023.