Valve stops playing non-game videos on Steam

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Valve removes the video section from the Steam Store menu. Valve’s platform is best known for its extensive game selection, but there were also the necessary non-game related films. They will now disappear.

Valve states that it has investigated what Steam users are actually watching. Based on this, the company came to the conclusion that it is better to focus its efforts on products and services around games and software. That means the video section on Steam will disappear. Videos related to games will still be available. The video section has now disappeared from the menu of the Steam store, Valve reports.

A number of non-game videos will be removed in the coming weeks, although Valve does not report which titles are involved. Previously purchased videos will continue to be available to those who have purchased them in the past.

According to Valve, work has been done over the past few years to offer free and paid video content in addition to games and software, but apparently that has not paid enough. The company will not provide further details on this.

Valve offered its own documentaries, but also the necessary Hollywood films. For example, in 2016 the company concluded an agreement with Lionsgate, which made films such as Leprechaun or Natural Born Pranksters available in Europe. More films from this distributor could be found in the US.

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