Valve starts delivery of developer version VR glasses Vive

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Valve has started sending the HTC-made virtual reality glasses Vive to developers. Some developers have already indicated that they have received the set, but supplies are limited for now.

On its Steam community pages, the company has announced that it has started shipping the Vive. Glasses have been sent to individual developers, as well as movie studios and small development teams working on games. Those who have not yet received a developer kit may be eligible later: Valve wants to send copies this summer.

In addition to the VR glasses, the box also contains two wireless game controllers and the necessary cables to connect everything. With this, Valve hopes that developers will have the same experience as with the consumer version. The developer kit should encourage software makers to make games for the glasses.

The Vive goggles are made by HTC and feature the SteamVR platform. With the release of the consumer version, users will be able to game via Steam. Incidentally, it is not yet entirely clear when the consumer release will be and what price will be asked. Valve is aiming for a release this year.

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