Valve shows Steam games end-of-year overview with most popular games

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If Spotify can know that you’re secretly a big fan of Tibetan throat singing, then there’s no reason Steam can’t also learn about all your guilty pleasures. Enter Steam Replay, a summary of your most played games from the past year.

Valve has the new feature of the gaming platform was first introduced this year. Steam Replay can be seen by default when users open their app on the PC or their phone, but there is also a direct link to the tool. The ‘Steam Year In Review’ is a summary of what a player has done in Steam, similar to what more and more other online subscription services like Spotify have been doing in recent years.

Steam Replay shows users which games they started most often or played for the longest overall. It also shows where they played it, which genres a player liked most and which games players preferred to play with a keyboard and mouse. In addition, an annual overview can also be seen, such as in which month which game was the most popular or which genre a player liked more in which month. It’s even possible to compare achievements with other Steam players – maybe you’ve become the very best at something this year!

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