Users will soon be able to join Discord voice chats directly on PS5

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Sony will soon make it possible to start conversations via Discord directly on the PlayStation 5. Previously, it was necessary to use the Discord app on a smartphone or other device.

Sony writes in a blog post that it will soon integrate that option into Game Base on the PS5, the menu that allows users to connect with their friends. Discord integration has been available since last year, but until now it was always necessary to first start an audio or video chat on a smartphone, tablet or PC and connect it to the PS5.

In the new update, that last step is not necessary. Users can first choose which server or group they want to open and then whether they want to start a group conversation. Players will also now receive a notification on their PS5 when other players call them.

The feature will initially roll out to Japanese and Asian users. That will happen 'in the coming weeks'. European users will follow later, but Sony does not say when exactly.

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