Users Snapchat can find products on Amazon

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Snapchat has introduced a way to search for products on Amazon via the camera interface. Users have to start the camera interface and then focus the camera on a product or barcode.

If the software recognizes an object in the image, a card will be displayed with that product or a similar product at Amazon, reports Snapchat . Presumably, the chat app and the web store have closed a deal, but both companies are not familiar with it for the time being.

The link in the map leads to the Amazon app on the phone or a browser window on The function will come live for Snapchat users in the coming period, although that does not happen to everyone at the same time.

It is not the first time that Amazon uses image recognition to show products on smartphones. In his own Fire Phone from four years ago the function Firefly was to make something similar possible.

 Snapchat Amazon visual search

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