Users preview Android 6.0 can use Now on Tap via Google app

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Android 6.0 preview users can take advantage of the Now on Tap feature by installing a new version of the Google Search app. The search giant had already announced the feature, but it was not included in builds of Android 6.0 until now

Google Now on Tap works after installing Google Search 5.3 on devices with Android 6.0 Preview 3, reports Android Police. The function can be used by long-pressing the onscreen Home button on any screen, after which the software tries to read text on the screen and find relevant searches or links in that text. This reading is done by finding out via the Hierarchy Viewer in Android which content is important on the screen and entering it as a Google search in the background, after which it can present the results.

According to Android Police, the function is not yet stable and the Google app still crashes regularly when showing relevant searches. Now on Tap is one of the innovations in Android 6.0, which should be released before the end of September according to Google’s earlier announcement.

The app also refreshes the launcher layout in the Google Now launcher. There’s now the Android 6.0 main menu, with an alphabetical list that users can scroll through vertically. The same goes for the widgets, which also form a vertical list.

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