US Democrats want to sue Twitter, WhatsApp and Apple for private messages

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The US Democratic Party plans to subpoena several tech companies, including Twitter, WhatsApp and Apple, over its investigation into Russian election meddling. They want to see their private messages from people affiliated with Trump.

A memo released by Democrats sets out what they want to do once they have a majority in the US House of Representatives, The Intercept reports. In that case, they have the power to sue companies, and the plans show that the Democrats want to do this with Apple, WhatsApp and Twitter, among others. For example, they want to obtain from certain key ‘eyewitnesses’ in the investigation into Russian interference in the American elections, for example WhatsApp messages, and private messages sent via Twitter.

One of those named is Jared Kushner, son-in-law of President Donald Trump. In addition, they want to see the private messages sent by Trump employees on Twitter, as well as those of Wikileaks and their foreman Julian Assange.

In addition to Twitter, WhatsApp and Apple, other tech companies are also mentioned as possible targets. These include Facebook Messenger, Signal, Slack, Instagram and Snapchat. It is still unclear to what extent the plans to sue tech companies will actually go ahead. So there must first be a majority in the House, and for the time being it only concerns intended plans that have been written down in a memo.

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