Unknowns steal seven million dollars in ether by adjusting website

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Unknowns have stolen about seven million dollars from the ethereum platform CoinDash. The organization held its initial coin offering on Monday, which was to raise initial investments. Due to a hack of the website, the ethereum address was changed.

As a result, many people sent ether to the wrong address, CoinDash writes in a statement on its website. In it, it reports that approximately $7 million worth of ether was captured, of which $6.4 million came from early-stage people. The ethereum address of the attackers shows that there is now about 43,488 ether in the wallet, which currently amounts to just over seven million euros.

According to Motherboard, it was clear within three minutes of the initial coin offering that the address on the website had been changed, but the damage was already extensive. After that, warnings went out through various channels, including Twitter. The organization does not disclose how the attackers were able to modify the website.

CoinDash only writes that people who invested get their tokens even though they used the address of the attackers. That does not apply to people who sent ether after the website was closed. In the statement, the organization calls on people not to make any further transfers. CoinDash aims to provide a cryptocurrency trading platform where it does not manage funds itself.

CoinDash’s statement

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