Ubisoft Gives For Honor Third Year of Content

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Ubisoft announces that For Honor is getting a third year of content. Under the title The Year of the Harbinger, the game gets four new Heroes and there are continuous improvements and new maps. The first update will be released January 31.

Ubisoft divides The Year of the Harbinger into four seasons. The first season is called Vortinger and it adds a new Knight hero. This update will be released on January 31. The next three seasons will bring a new Samurai, Viking and Wu Lin, details about this have not yet been announced.

Players who purchase a Year 3 Pass will get early access to the new Heroes. It is not required to pay for the updates, the new heroes can be unlocked by anyone a week after release, then you have to pay 15,000 Steel for that, which can be earned in the game.

Ubisoft is offering the Year 3 Pass separately for $30 and as part of the $100 For Honor Complete Edition, which also includes the Year 1 Pass and the Marching Fire expansion released last year. Sword fighting game For Honor came out in 2017 and according to Ubisoft the game has 15 million players.

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