Uber dismisses a hundred drivers from self-driving cars
Uber tested her self-propelled cars in Pittsburgh two years ago. The self-propelled Uber’s were extensively tested first and they were manned with safety drivers. They were in the car to intervene in case of problems. These drivers are now being fired, they heard yesterday during a meeting of Uber.
Fatal accident self-driving car
On 19 March earlier this year, a fatal accident took place. A self-propelled Uber could not stop in time for a pedestrian who came from behind a car and crossed. As a result of this accident, the tests were stopped, but the drivers were still paid wages.
Uber wants more security
Instead of the 100 security drivers, Uber 55 wants to make other functions available. They are looking for 55 so-called ‘mission specialists’, who will test the self-driving cars, both on the road and following them from a distance. More technical knowledge is needed for this function. The new specialists will be trained in all test protocols. The tests with self-driving cars are currently being carried out on a large test site outside of Pittsburgh. And the dismissed drivers? They can apply for the new job, or another job at Uber.
Uber has become more cautious with self-driving cars, but the company strives to make self-driving cars as safe as possible. Uber wants to start testing again with the self-driving cars at the end of the summer.