Twitter test showing popular posts in timeline

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Twitter is conducting an experiment where popular posts are shown in the timeline. Such tweets originate from “trending topics” and supplement the chronological list of posts from users that are followed.

Several users noted that they were seeing posts from certain trending topics, VentureBeat reported. A spokesperson for the social network confirmed to the site that it is an experiment with the timeline. It is also unclear how long the test will take and whether the new feature will be introduced for every Twitter user.

The popular tweets shown separately from the chronological Twitter timeline seem to come from trending topics. According to VentureBeat, five messages will be shown, but Twitter itself has not yet disclosed which characteristics are used to show popular tweets.

Twitter has been working on experimental adjustments to the timeline for some time now. The company is probably doing this in an effort to attract more users. The growth of the social network has been disappointing for some time now, especially among younger users.

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