Twitter replaces favorite function with like button

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Twitter has replaced the asterisk used to mark tweets as favorites with a heart. Not only has the symbol changed, the function is now called like instead of favorite. The change has also been implemented on Vine.

The social network announces the change feed to make using Twitter easier. The asterisk would be confusing at times, especially for newbies. “You like many things, but not everything can be your favorite,” the explanation reads. Twitter chooses a heart because it is a universal symbol in all different languages ​​and cultures.

The change is effective immediately in the web version of Twitter, the Twitter apps for iOS, Android and Windows 10 and in TweetDeck. It is no longer possible to hand out favorites. Instead of yellow stars, Twitter users now see a red heart in that place. Soon the like hearts will also be coming to the Vine app for iOS and Twitter for Mac. The heart was previously used in Periscope, Twitter’s service that allows users to stream live video.

You can say a lot with a heart. Introducing a new way to show how you feel on Twitter:

— Twitter (@twitter) Nov 3, 2015

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