Twitter allows users to set afterwards who can respond to posted tweets

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Twitter allows users to customize who can respond to posted tweets. There was already such a possibility before, but then it could only be set while writing the message. From now on you can also do so after posting the tweet.

Twitter shows that users will get an option to adjust who can respond to an already posted tweet. That feature was not there before. Twitter probably wants to contribute to curbing harassment and other undesirable behavior on the platform. In 2018, CEO Jack Dorsey already indicated that his company’s main goal was to “improve the health of public conversation.”

In August last year, users were given the option to set restrictions on who can reply to tweets that are available to all users. However, this could only be set while writing the tweet. The default option is that anyone can comment. Since August it is also possible to allow only people that the user follows to comment. The third option is that only people can comment if the user mentions them in the tweet in question.

The new option to set such restrictions afterwards will be available worldwide for iOS, Android and the web version of Twitter.

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