TU/e wins 2018 Robot Football World Cup

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Team Tech United from Eindhoven University of Technology has won the Middle Size League of RoboCup 2018 in Montreal. In the final against the Portuguese team Cambada it was 1 against 0. It is the fourth time that the robots of Tech United have won the World Cup.

Tech United won the semifinal against the Chinese NuBot convincingly 10 to 0 earlier on Thursday. Cambada had a much harder time in his semifinal against the Chinese team Water, last year’s champion. Cambada then won on penalties.

The Tech United soccer robots compete in the 2018 RoboCup Middle Size League, which was held this year in Montreal, Canada. The matches are played between two teams of five robots that measure a maximum of 52x52x80cm and move autonomously on the 22 by 14 meter field.

The human referee intervenes in the game via a refbox computer. The robot players receive their decisions via a wireless network. The ultimate goal of RoboCup is to have a team of fully autonomous robots defeat the FIFA World Cup champions by 2050.

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