Translate anything instantly in Firefox with Translate Man Extension

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Translate Man is a translation extension for Firefox that you can use to translate everything on -the fly. The extension works a little differently than how Chrome’s translation function works but uses the Google Translate API for its translations.

It supports the translation of individual words, phrases, paragraphs, and longer text structures. First of all, you may want to click on the extension icon in the Firefox address bar to check if the desired language is correct.

You can use the extension afterward in different ways:

  • Double-click on any word to translate it immediately. An option to have it pronounced is also available.
  • Highlight any text to have it translated. Use the mouse to select text and you will get a translation in an overlay next to the selection.
  • Use the Ctrl key modifier to translate text.
  • Translate on hover automatically. The option is disabled by default.
  • Enable automatic pronunciation of the selected text

You can enable or disable these options individually. If you do not want translations when you highlight words, perhaps because it hinders your copy operations, you can disable that option, but keep the Ctrl key modifier available to use when you want to translate something. [19659002] Translations appear on the screen almost immediately when you use one of the available methods of Translate Man. It works very well and there is little to criticize. An option to blacklist languages ​​may be useful for some users, but the extension does not stand in the way of the user. Click HERE to install this extension.

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