Tomtom Navigator 7 baked into HTC Touch Diamond rom

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After the official announcement of the HTC Touch Diamond, more details about the hardware specifications surface: the navigation software would be on the ROM for the first time.

On Monday, the specs for HTC’s latest smartphone leaked, which were released by HTC a day later confirmed. One of the features that the Diamond has is a GPS with accompanying navigation software. However, the fact that the navigation software is baked into the rom of the smartphone was not yet known. At least in the version of the phone from O2, which is called Xda Diamond, it would be the new version of Tomtom, Navigator 7, to go.

According to a Polish PDA site has chosen to provide the navigation software in the rom, since the previous versions of Tomtom were illegally distributed and used ‘massively’. The Diamond is not yet available, but should cost about five hundred euros in mid-June.

Update: HTC has now confirmed at a press conference that it will supply Tomtom Navigator 7 in the ROM of the Touch Diamond.

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