Titanfall gets support for Nvidia Gameworks

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Respawn Entertainment and Nvidia will release a patch for Titanfall that will give the game support for Gameworks. This gives the game support for 4k screens, sli, temporal anti-aliasing and horizon based ambient occlusion +.

“We’re working with Nvidia on several Gameworks techniques to make Titanfall look and play better,” Respawn CEO Vince Zampella said in Nvidia’s article on the partnership. The graphical improvements should come from two Gameworks components that will be built in by Nvidia and Respawn: temporal anti-aliasing and horizon based ambient occlusion+.

Temporal anti-aliasing, abbreviated txaa, is an anti-aliasing technique that should provide a clearer image and prevent flickering. It is a multi-sample anti-aliasing technique, combined with post processing. Horizon based ambient occlusion+, abbreviated hbao+, is primarily an addition to existing ambient occlusion techniques. In addition, Respawn wants to build in support for 4k screens and Nvidia’s sli technology, where different graphics cards can be combined. It is not known when the patch with the Nvidia techniques will be ready. Respawn did release a patch that squashes bugs and improves the balance in the shooter.

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