Tim Cook hints at the arrival of Apple televisions

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Apple still seems to be working on a television concept for the living room. That’s according to an interview with CEO Tim Cook, who told NBC that this is an “area on which there is a lot of focus within Apple”. Details are not yet available.

In addition to these statements, Cook did not want to say anything about which devices his company is developing. However, the CEO did leave in the interview know that he finds the current concept of television old-fashioned: according to the CEO, current television offers a user experience from 20 to 30 years ago. It is therefore still unclear how Apple intends to improve this.

The CEO’s statements are in line with persistent rumors about a television to be released by Apple. After the late Steve Jobs talked about ideas for an interface for the TV in his biography, rumors came out about an Apple TV with support for Siri. It is still unclear which of the reports are actually true.

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