The world’s largest Tetris can be played on the TU/e ​​building – update

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Students from Eindhoven University of Technology started projecting the world’s largest Tetris game on a building on Monday. Interested parties can also come and try the game.

Study association Thor announces that the biggest Tetris game is until Wednesday projected on Potential, the building of the electrical engineering training. Students have set up a playground in a parking lot in front of the building. From there, interested parties can try to break the game record with a joystick.

TU/e students say they recently broke the world record for the largest Tetris game. The game has a surface of a thousand square meters and consists of 3200 LEDs and half ping pong balls, which are supposed to spread the light.

The record has not yet received official confirmation from Guinness, the company behind the Book of World Records. Despite this, Thor is confident that confirmation will come. For now, the world record is held by The Gadget Show in England, which had a game with an area of ​​​​over 105 square meters.

Update, 8 p.m. – Video added

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