The New York Times unveils bot that assesses Wordle skills

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The New York Times unveiled WordleBot on Thursday. The bot is to help Wordle players to get better at word game. In addition, it compares the results of players with each other, for example how quickly they arrived at the answer.

The project began after NYT’s purchase of Wordle. The newspaper was curious which word you can best start with in order to quickly arrive at the correct answer. “It seemed like a simple math question, but everyone who approached the problem seemed to come up with a different answer. WordleBot started out as an attempt to answer this question once and for all, but along the way we realized that the answer was more complicated than it was.” In addition, we were more interested in how well our guesses matched the words WordleBot chose to solve the puzzle.”

How exactly does the bot work? Each Wordle game starts with one of 2,309 possible solutions as the hidden word. On each turn, WordleBot chooses the word that allows the game to be completed in as few steps as possible, assuming that each of the remaining solutions is equally likely. This will continue to do the Wordlebot until only one solution remains: the correct answer”, writes NYT.

Before the WordleBot can determine how good your Wordle skills are, you must first play the latest round of the daily game or upload a screenshot of a previous Wordle game. When you’ve done that, analyze the bot your finished game. It also checks which word choices you have made and how quickly you guessed the answer. Based on that, you will be awarded three scores: for your skill, good guesses and how many attempts you made before you got the correct answer.

WordleBot shows how each player’s score compares to others. That way you can check how difficult or easy the game of the day was. You will also receive feedback from the bot. For example, it explains which words it is better to choose to find the right answer faster next time.

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