The Elder Scrolls gets official cookbook in March

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The Elder Scrolls series is known for many aspects: interesting quests, in-depth backstories and, above all, sweetrolls. These and other delicacies from the series will be featured in an Elder Scrolls cookbook, due out in March.

The description on the Amazon page states that the official cookbook will feature “the diverse cuisines of the Nords, Bosmer, Khajit and more.” The book has over sixty recipes and one of them is Saltrice Porridge from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Each recipe has a short description of the dish and the cuisine from which it comes.

The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook will cost $28.99. It is not yet known whether the book will also be released in e-book form. The recipes were prepared by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, who is also the author of the official World of Warcraft and Game of Thrones cookbook.

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