The decline of Facebook among teenagers continues

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This is one in the category ‘no shit Sherlock’ but just to say how hard the popularity of Facebook has dropped among teenagers you just need the ‘Teens, Social Media & Technology ‘- research by Pew because they have compared their own figures of 2015 with those of their new research. Mind you: these are American figures, but taken by the bank the use in our country does not differ that much.

It shows that Facebook is used by 20 percent fewer teenagers than three years ago. Then there was 71 percent who used the platform, but that has now dropped to 51 percent. But that is not the only shift. YouTube is proud at the top of the current list, whereas it did not even count as a platform three years ago. That also says something about the question, but still. This is the complete list:

  • YouTube: 85% (2015: -)
  • Instagram: 72% (2015: 52%)
  • Snapchat: 69% (2015: 41%)
  • Facebook: 51% (2015: 71 %)
  • Twitter: 32% (2015: 33%)
  • Reddit: 7% (2015: -)
  • None: 3% (2015: -)

Forgotten platforms

It should be noted that in 2015 a number of platforms were used that no longer matter at all, such as Google+ (then 33 percent!), Vine (24 percent) and Tumblr (14 percent). You can see that many of those users have moved on to Instagram and Snapchat . In the current list, Reddit is a bit of a stranger, because it is just a big forum and in that sense not social media as we normally describe it. On the other hand, YouTube may be retepopular, but to classify it as social media is going a long way. Then streaming services like Twitch may also be mentioned and we do not see that now.

Anyway, Facebook is not doing well. Mark Zuckerberg and co. Meanwhile, have completely different problems but as the years’ progress, they will notice that a large number of people are going to drop out and that fewer and fewer young people are coming back for it. Wondering what the list looks like in 2021.

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