Tesla starts pilot to change batteries for a fee

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Tesla will begin a pilot in the United States next week to replace paid batteries in Model S cars. This should primarily result in speed gains for the drivers of the electric cars.

Tesla says there are two ways to power an electric car again. The first is to charge the battery, which takes some time, and the second is to replace the battery. Tesla claims the latter option is faster. The car manufacturer is therefore targeting motorists who want to get back on the road quickly for a fee.

Last year, Tesla conducted an experiment in which it showed that it is possible to replace a Model S battery faster than filling a car with fossil fuel. The operation now takes another three minutes because titanium and aluminum plates that protect the battery must first be removed. However, Tesla is aiming for a one-minute changeover time.

Tesla will begin its trial next week in the US state of California, where it will replace batteries for customers for the first time. With the pilot, the car manufacturer says it is testing the technology and investigating the demand for it. The latter should show whether swapping batteries is worth future investments, Tesla said.

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