Telltale Games Might Be Finishing The Walking Dead: The Final Season

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Telltale Games’ final season of The Walking Dead may yet be completed. The developer says it has been approached by “various potential partners” who offer their help. It is not known who these partners are.

In a twitter message Telltale Games reports that it will be looking at how it can release episodes three and four. The developer cannot promise that the episodes will actually come out, but Telltale makes it clear that it is looking for a solution. Episode two has now been released. Whether Telltale Games will get outside help with The Wolf Among Us 2 is not yet known. Netflix has told Polygon it will look for a solution to the Stranger Things game.

On September 21, the developer announced that it would be closing. About 90 percent of the workforce has been laid off. Twenty-five people are left to perform the final acts before the studio closes completely.

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