Telegram releases faster version of its own Android app under a different name

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Chatapp Telegram has released a faster version of its own app under a different name. Telegram bought the unofficial client Challegram and recently renamed it Telegram X. There was already an app with that name on iOS.

Telegram renamed Challegram to Telegram X on Monday and put it on the Play Store under that name. The app is characterized by a faster operation than the regular Telegram app, while there is also a night mode in the chat app. In addition, there are other experimental features, such as scalable text.

There was already an app called Telegram X for iOS, but it was a rebranded version of Telegram HD for the iPad, claims iCulture. Telegram X for iOS includes some of the same features as the new Android client. Users can sign in with their usual account and additionally run both apps side by side.

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