Telegram apps have been temporarily removed from App Store

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The Telegram app and variant Telegram X have disappeared from the Apple App Store. Founder Pavel Durov says it’s because of a “minor problem” and the apps should be back soon. It’s not clear what the problem is.

The disappearance of Telegram was noticed by Reddit users on Wednesday. Also at the time of writing, both apps cannot be found in Apple’s app store. It concerns both Telegram and Telegram X, the latter is a faster variant of the messaging app, made in the Swift programming language.

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, says in a short comment on Twitter that it is a ‘minor problem’ and that the apps should be back soon. He does not elaborate on what the problem is and does not say why the apps were removed from the App Store.

There only seems to be something wrong with the iOS versions of the app. The Android versions can still be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

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