Super Mario Maker 2 Player Creates ‘3D Maze Level’

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A Super Mario Maker 2 player has created a first-person maze game in Super Mario Maker 2. Mario himself sits on the right side of the screen and his movements serve as input to the first-person world on the left. There is also a mini map.

It takes some getting used to seeing the level as it is intended, but at some point it has to click: in the top left, the perspective can be seen, which already gives an idea of ​​what directions and actions are available for Mario. Below that you can see the map on/off cubes: the on cube is the current location and the off cubes are spaces that can be explored. The arrow indicates which direction the perspective is facing. Depending on the possibilities in the current room, Mario can enter doors or pipes in different directions.

For variation, Mario can also enter certain challenge rooms. In this, he can indicate more than just a navigation direction. He has to collect coins and keys here and avoid enemies. Also in this space a sense of a third dimension is created by a horizon and appropriately large or small objects.

The level is reminiscent of the inner levels of decades-old games such as Rescue – The Embassy Mission, Phantasy Star, The Bard’s Tale and The 7th Guest, Vice notes, among others. If you want to try 3D Maze House yourself, you can do so with the level code ‘P59-698-55G’.

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