Steam passes 14 million logged in users – update

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Steam had more than 14 million users online simultaneously on Saturday. That means a new record, and also a doubling compared to three years ago. It shows that the gaming service is still growing fast.

The stats have been published by Steam on its stats page. The record hit the books on Saturday with 14,207,039 users simultaneously online via Steam. The most popular games are Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and GTA 5. At the time of writing, the number of concurrently logged-in users is lower, at around 11.5 million, but this number will increase as the day goes on. and possibly break Saturday’s record.

About three years ago, Steam recorded a record 7 million concurrently logged in users. At the time, that meant a growth of one million users in one year. The fact that 7 million users have now been added to the record in three years shows that the number of Steam players is still growing strongly. Also three years ago, Dota 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive were the most popular games.

Update 6:24 PM: the numbers show that Steam broke its record again on Sunday. The number of concurrently logged in users exceeded 14.3 million.

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