Steam Controller and Steam Link not yet working properly with OS X

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The Steam Controller and Steam Link, the box with which games can be streamed to a TV, are not yet fully functional in combination with OS X. However, Valve has already shipped the first copies and initially promised cross-platform compatibility.

Valve announced the news in an email to customers who have purchased the hardware, Eurogamer writes. According to the manufacturer, the gamepad emulation of the Steam Controller and streaming audio via Steam Link do not work with OS X. According to the manufacturer, the problem is in the software and firmware updates will be released in the coming weeks. who should remedy this.

The company apologizes and is providing all affected users with the Valve Complete Pack. This pack contains all Steam games that Valve has ever released and future Valve games will also be available to owners of this bundle. Customers can also return the hardware and get their money back, even then they can keep the game package. If you purchase a Steam Controller or Steam Link now, the hardware will be delivered in December. However, Valve has already delivered the first copies in mid-October to people who placed a preorder.

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