Startup Tech Challenges – How to Outsmart Deepfakes?

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Every year, dozens of tech start-ups start up in the low countries that have big dreams, but have to overcome technical hurdles to make them come true. In this article, we discuss what the start-up DuckDuckGoose encounters when developing its deepfake detector.

Deepfake technology is getting better and better, and as long as there is a fear that at some point we will no longer be able to distinguish real from fake, companies have been around trying to solve this problem. Tools that can recognize deepfakes with all kinds of technological, AI-driven tricks are not new. In addition to many start-ups, giants like Microsoft, meta and Intel entered the race to bring the best possible deepfake detector to the market. All try to outdo each other with technological breakthroughs, and all claim to have the highest possible success rate.

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