SSL service Let’s Encrypt will start public beta on December 3

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Let’s Encrypt will begin a public beta on December 3rd. When the public beta starts, anyone who wants to can request an SSL certificate and no longer requires an invitation to use the service.

Since the start of the closed beta, the organization has issued more than 11,000 certificates, reports Let’s Encrypt on its news page. Since no major problems have occurred in the meantime, the organization considers the system ripe for a public beta period.

The main reason Let’s Encrypt remains in beta is that there is still a lot to refine the process for the end user. The process of implementing SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt should take as little time as possible and not be cumbersome. The beta label will not be removed until the client runs as smoothly as possible and is reliable on as many platforms as possible.

With Let’s Encrypt, the civil rights organization EFF, one of the driving forces behind Let’s Encrypt, wants to ensure that the use of encrypted connections becomes commonplace. EFF announced the service a year ago. The goal was that a website administrator should be able to install a certificate for a website within a minute.

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