Square Enix Releases Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo For PlayStation 4

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Square Enix has released a playable demo of the Final Fantasy VII remake for the PlayStation 4. The demo includes the first chapter of the game. Players will not be able to transfer their progression to the final version that will be released on April 10.

The page in the PlayStation Store states that content may still differ from the full game and players will not be able to carry their progression into the final version. It’s not clear why that is. A demo of the Final Fantasy VII already appeared online at the end of last year; it turned out to unintentionally contain a lot of information and Square Enix therefore withdrew it.

The Final Fantasy VII remake was scheduled for a March 3 release, but the company delayed it for over a month. The game will now be released on April 10. The game will only be released on the PlayStation 4 for the time being, but it was previously revealed that it is a timed exclusive and that the game will also be available on other platforms after a year.

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