Square Enix Announces Stealth and Action Game Packs

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Japanese publisher Square Enix has announced two game packs, each of which bundles three of its games. The Stealth Pack includes Hitman and Thief, while the Action Pack features Sleeping Dogs and Tomb Raider.

The two packs are called Ultimate Stealth Triple Pack and Ultimate Action Triple Pack, and both packs will go on sale October 31 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The price for each of the collections is 39.99 euros, Square Enix announced Monday. known. In the Ultimate Stealth Triple Pack, gamers will find Thief, Hitman: Absolution and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The Action Pack includes Just Cause 2, Sleeping Dogs and Tomb Raider. All games have been released within the last three years, with Just Cause 2 being the only exception; that game is from 2010.

While it’s not uncommon for publishers to bundle games into packs in order to earn some extra money from the games, it’s striking in this case, as Square Enix was criticized for its ability to create games after many of these games were released. to sell. Stephane D’Astous, co-founder of Eidos Montréal, left Square Enix in the summer of 2013 because he no longer had faith in the company’s business. With Eidos Montréal, D’Astous was responsible for Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Thief.

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