Spotify comes with HiFi subscription for streaming lossless music this year

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Spotify introduces a HiFi subscription. With this subscription, the streaming service offers lossless music. With this, the company competes with services such as Tidal, Deezer and Amazon Music. Spotify HiFi will be available later this year.

Spotify announced the HiFi subscription at its Stream On event. According to the company, “high-quality music streaming” is one of the most requested features from users. With Spotify HiFi, the company says it offers ‘lossless CD quality music’. The subscription is also compatible with Spotify Connect speakers. Spotify will release its HiFi subscription in select regions later this year, but has not yet announced a concrete release date. The company will provide more details ‘soon’.

The streaming service has been doing tests with lossless music for some time. In 2017, several Reddit users reported that they were offered a HiFi subscription, at an additional cost of 5, 7.50 or 10 dollars on top of the regular Spotify Premium rate of 10 euros per month. Spotify has not yet disclosed subscription prices during the official launch. Competitors Amazon and Tidal offer their hi-fi subscriptions respectively at a monthly rate of 15 euros and 20 euros.

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