Speedrunningmarathon Games Done Quick takes place again in physical form

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Summer Games Done Quick will be a physical event again, the organization announced. This means that speedrunners and the public are again present at the same location at the same time. A common complaint about the event is that it’s less entertaining in virtual form.

The organization of Games Done Quick makes it news known on Twitter. The event will again take place in a large hall with an audience present, but as always will also be livestreamed on Twitch.tv. However, for speedrunners who cannot or do not want to attend, there will be limited space to participate from a distance. The next edition will take place from June 26 to July 3. As always, the event will take place in the US.

Games Done Quick is organized several times a year. The aim of the event is to entertain viewers with so-called speed runs, where a video game is completed as quickly as possible, with any additional ifs and buts to make it more interesting. For example, you can think of 100%, any% or glitchless. But that can also be more special circumstances, such as playing with a blindfold on.

At the same time, money is collected for a good cause, often Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation. In previous years, the event has always raised several million dollars. In total, the event has taken place four times in virtual form, due to the corona pandemic. The event is alternately called Summer Games Done Quick and Awesome Games Done Quick.

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