Speedrunner breaks Super Mario Bros. world record

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With a game as old as the original Super Mario Bros. many records were broken long ago. Nevertheless, avid players, in this case ‘speedrunners’, still try to complete SMB in the shortest possible time. The record has been broken again, by a third of a second.

In total it took YouTuber and Twitchstreamer kosmickid12 4 minutes, 55 seconds and 913 milliseconds. He played the original game on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The previous record holder was somewes, who broke the then record on May 25, 2018, by 4 minutes, 56 seconds and 245 milliseconds.

The speedrunner has cleverly used glitches to finish the game as quickly as possible. This way he made sure that he was at the bottom of the flagpole at the end of the level. That way the animation in which the flag comes down will not be played and that again saves a few seconds. In addition, he ignored every enemy he encountered along the way.

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