Source code Geforce site points to Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti announcement next week

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Nvidia has put a countdown online that counts down to March 1. The teaser does not mention what the manufacturer will announce, but the name of the video in the source code clearly mentions a GTX 1080 Ti, a video card that has been rumored for some time.

The countdown can be seen on, with the letters Ti highlighted. The source code mentions a video called GTX1080Ti_Countdown__Hero_1920x1080_h264_2mbps.mp4, discovered The video is in the div with the id ‘gdcKeynote’ and can be found on the site in the GDC 2017 folder, indicating that Nvidia wants to showcase the 1080 Ti at the Game Developer Conference. It will take place next week in the American city of San Francisco.

The reference in the source code is not the first confirmation of the existence of a 1080 Ti. An Nvidia vacancy already mentioned that video card by name. In November, a rumor came out with suspected specs of the card. The 1080 Ti would have a gp102 GPU and 10GB of vram. This would make it a lot more powerful than the GTX 1080 with a GPU one and a half times faster, but slightly less than the Titan X.

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